The gurus today say that we all deserve our dream jobs. A compassionate boss with a clear vision, an assistant who gets on with their work, clients who know what they want and respect you when you do your job, and stakeholders who…

… if only that were the case in Neath. In Janet’s little underground web design studio, work is, shall we say, challenging. Clients, stakeholders, assistants, and even the location itself are far from ideal. Sometimes Janet and her employee Nia feel trapped, until one Christmas holiday, they really do get trapped. With an annoying client and an even more annoying stakeholder.

Nia didn’t mean to break the key, locking the door for a little client confidentiality. How was she to know that all the students would go home, or that everyone’s phone would die and that they would be trapped together Under Quiet Neath?

Smashwords – Under Quiet Neath – a book by Des Sousa

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